What is lifecycle of widget?

person shubham sharmafolder_openFlutterlocal_offeraccess_time September 20, 2023

In Flutter, the “lifecycle of a widget” refers to the various stages a widget goes through from its creation to its disposal. Understanding these stages is crucial for managing the state and behavior of widgets in a Flutter application. Here are the key stages in the lifecycle of a widget:

  1. Creation (create):
    • This is the initial stage where a widget is instantiated. It involves calling the constructor of the widget class. At this point, the widget is not yet part of the widget tree.
  2. Initialization (initState):
    • After the widget is created, the initState method is called. This is where you can perform one-time initialization tasks that are specific to this widget. It’s also a good place to set up subscriptions or listeners.
  3. Building (build):
    • The build method is called after initState. This is where you define the structure and layout of the widget. The build method returns a tree of widgets that represent the UI for this widget.
  4. Rebuilding (setState):
    • If the state of the widget changes (for example, due to user interaction), you can call the setState method. This schedules a rebuild of the widget and its descendants, triggering a call to the build method to update the UI.
  5. Deactivation (deactivate):
    • When a widget is removed from the widget tree (for example, when it’s removed from a Navigator stack), the deactivatemethod is called. This is an opportunity to perform cleanup tasks, such as canceling subscriptions or releasing resources.
  6. Disposal (dispose):
    • When a widget is removed from the widget tree permanently (for example, when a route is popped off the navigation stack), the dispose method is called. This is where you should release any resources held by the widget, such as timers, streams, or controllers.
  7. Unmounting:
    • After the dispose method is called, the widget is unmounted from the widget tree and is no longer part of the application’s UI.

Here’s an example of how these stages fit together:

Understanding these stages is crucial for managing the behavior and resources associated with widgets, especially stateful widgets. It helps ensure that your application remains efficient, responsive, and free from memory leaks.

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