Swipe screen left , right , top , bottom
File : AndroidMainifest.xml
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.android.swipe" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" /> <application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name"> <activity android:name="com.androidexample.swipescreen.SwipeScreenExample" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest> |
File : src/SwipeScreenExample.java Create touch event with the use of SimpleGestureFilter class object
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import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.widget.Toast; import com.androidexample.swipescreen.SimpleGestureFilter.SimpleGestureListener; public class SwipeScreenExample extends Activity implements SimpleGestureListener { private SimpleGestureFilter detector; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.swipe_screen); // Detect touched area detector = new SimpleGestureFilter(this, this); } @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) { // Call onTouchEvent of SimpleGestureFilter class this.detector.onTouchEvent(me); return super.dispatchTouchEvent(me); } @Override public void onSwipe(int direction) { String str = ""; switch (direction) { case SimpleGestureFilter.SWIPE_RIGHT: str = "Swipe Right"; break; case SimpleGestureFilter.SWIPE_LEFT: str = "Swipe Left"; break; case SimpleGestureFilter.SWIPE_DOWN: str = "Swipe Down"; break; case SimpleGestureFilter.SWIPE_UP: str = "Swipe Up"; break; } Toast.makeText(this, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onDoubleTap() { Toast.makeText(this, "Double Tap", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } |
File : src/SimpleGestureFilter.java
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import android.app.Activity; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener; import android.view.MotionEvent; public class SimpleGestureFilter extends SimpleOnGestureListener { public final static int SWIPE_UP = 1; public final static int SWIPE_DOWN = 2; public final static int SWIPE_LEFT = 3; public final static int SWIPE_RIGHT = 4; public final static int MODE_TRANSPARENT = 0; public final static int MODE_SOLID = 1; public final static int MODE_DYNAMIC = 2; private final static int ACTION_FAKE = -13; //just an unlikely number private int swipe_Min_Distance = 100; private int swipe_Max_Distance = 350; private int swipe_Min_Velocity = 100; private int mode = MODE_DYNAMIC; private boolean running = true; private boolean tapIndicator = false; private Activity context; private GestureDetector detector; private SimpleGestureListener listener; public SimpleGestureFilter(Activity context, SimpleGestureListener sgl) { this.context = context; this.detector = new GestureDetector(context, this); this.listener = sgl; } public void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!this.running) return; boolean result = this.detector.onTouchEvent(event); if (this.mode == MODE_SOLID) event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL); else if (this.mode == MODE_DYNAMIC) { if (event.getAction() == ACTION_FAKE) event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_UP); else if (result) event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL); else if (this.tapIndicator) { event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN); this.tapIndicator = false; } } //else just do nothing, it's Transparent } public int getMode() { return this.mode; } public void setMode(int m) { this.mode = m; } public void setEnabled(boolean status) { this.running = status; } public int getSwipeMaxDistance() { return this.swipe_Max_Distance; } public void setSwipeMaxDistance(int distance) { this.swipe_Max_Distance = distance; } public int getSwipeMinDistance() { return this.swipe_Min_Distance; } public void setSwipeMinDistance(int distance) { this.swipe_Min_Distance = distance; } public int getSwipeMinVelocity() { return this.swipe_Min_Velocity; } public void setSwipeMinVelocity(int distance) { this.swipe_Min_Velocity = distance; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { final float xDistance = Math.abs(e1.getX() - e2.getX()); final float yDistance = Math.abs(e1.getY() - e2.getY()); if (xDistance > this.swipe_Max_Distance || yDistance > this.swipe_Max_Distance) return false; velocityX = Math.abs(velocityX); velocityY = Math.abs(velocityY); boolean result = false; if (velocityX > this.swipe_Min_Velocity && xDistance > this.swipe_Min_Distance) { if (e1.getX() > e2.getX()) // right to left this.listener.onSwipe(SWIPE_LEFT); else this.listener.onSwipe(SWIPE_RIGHT); result = true; } else if (velocityY > this.swipe_Min_Velocity && yDistance > this.swipe_Min_Distance) { if (e1.getY() > e2.getY()) // bottom to up this.listener.onSwipe(SWIPE_UP); else this.listener.onSwipe(SWIPE_DOWN); result = true; } return result; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { this.tapIndicator = true; return false; } @Override public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent arg) { this.listener.onDoubleTap(); return true; } @Override public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent arg) { return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent arg) { if (this.mode == MODE_DYNAMIC) { // we owe an ACTION_UP, so we fake an arg.setAction(ACTION_FAKE); //action which will be converted to an ACTION_UP later. this.context.dispatchTouchEvent(arg); } return false; } static interface SimpleGestureListener { void onSwipe(int direction); void onDoubleTap(); } } |