JavaScript The Event Loop

JavaScript is single threaded. so it needs event loop to run asynchronous (Multi Thread) code. JavaScript first runs synchronous code, then it queue asynchronous code to call later. Asynchronous code is called/executed by event loop. System/Browser takes synchronous code and put them as tasks. then these tasks are put them into queue. The Event Loop […]

person shubham sharmaaccess_time March 26, 2022launch Read More

React-Native key questions

DOM, Shadow Dom, Virtual DOM State and props What is StyleSheet.create()? StyleSheet.create() is a function that takes a plain JavaScript object and returns a StyleSheet object. Instead of creating a new style object every time, StyleSheet helps to create style objects with an ID which is further used to reference instead rendering it again. How […]

person shubham sharmaaccess_time February 6, 2022launch Read More