Here are several examples of lambda expressions in Kotlin to illustrate different use cases and syntactic styles.
1. Basic Lambda Expression
A lambda expression is defined using curly braces {}
with parameters and the arrow ->
to separate parameters from the body.
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val greet = { name: String -> "Hello, $name!" } println(greet("Alice")) // Output: Hello, Alice! |
2. Lambda as a Parameter in a Function
Passing a lambda expression to a function to define custom behavior.
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fun applyOperation(a: Int, b: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int { return operation(a, b) } val sum = applyOperation(5, 3) { x, y -> x + y } println(sum) // Output: 8 |
3. Lambda Without Parameters
A lambda with no parameters, often used for simple actions like printing.
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val sayHello = { println("Hello!") } sayHello() // Output: Hello! |
4. Using it
for Single Parameter
When a lambda has only one parameter, Kotlin allows you to use it
as an implicit name.
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val square = { x: Int -> x * x } println(square(4)) // Output: 16 val double = { it * 2 } // `it` is the single parameter println(double(5)) // Output: 10 |
5. Lambda with Collection Functions
Lambda expressions are commonly used with collection functions like filter
, map
, and forEach
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val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) val evenNumbers = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 0 } println(evenNumbers) // Output: [2, 4] val squaredNumbers = { it * it } println(squaredNumbers) // Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] |
6. Lambda with Default and Named Parameters
Using default values and named parameters within a lambda expression.
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val greetWithDefault = { name: String, greeting: String -> "$greeting, $name!" } println(greetWithDefault("Alice", "Welcome")) // Output: Welcome, Alice! |
7. Returning a Lambda from a Function
A function that returns a lambda expression.
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fun createMultiplier(factor: Int): (Int) -> Int { return { number -> number * factor } } val double = createMultiplier(2) println(double(5)) // Output: 10 |
8. Higher-Order Function with Lambda
A function that takes a lambda as a parameter and invokes it.
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fun execute(action: () -> Unit) { action() } execute { println("Executing action!") } // Output: Executing action! |
9. Chaining Lambdas
Lambdas can be combined with each other and chained.
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val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4) val result = numbers .filter { it > 1 } .map { it * 2 } .sum() println(result) // Output: 18 |
These examples showcase the versatility of lambda expressions in Kotlin, from basic transformations and functional programming to more complex operations and chaining.