Lambda Expressions

person shubham sharmafolder_openJAVAlocal_offeraccess_time November 19, 2024

Here are several examples of lambda expressions in Kotlin to illustrate different use cases and syntactic styles.

1. Basic Lambda Expression

A lambda expression is defined using curly braces {} with parameters and the arrow -> to separate parameters from the body.

2. Lambda as a Parameter in a Function

Passing a lambda expression to a function to define custom behavior.

3. Lambda Without Parameters

A lambda with no parameters, often used for simple actions like printing.

4. Using it for Single Parameter

When a lambda has only one parameter, Kotlin allows you to use it as an implicit name.

5. Lambda with Collection Functions

Lambda expressions are commonly used with collection functions like filter, map, and forEach.

6. Lambda with Default and Named Parameters

Using default values and named parameters within a lambda expression.

7. Returning a Lambda from a Function

A function that returns a lambda expression.

8. Higher-Order Function with Lambda

A function that takes a lambda as a parameter and invokes it.

9. Chaining Lambdas

Lambdas can be combined with each other and chained.

These examples showcase the versatility of lambda expressions in Kotlin, from basic transformations and functional programming to more complex operations and chaining.

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